Water is the Conductor of Thought

Dedicated Quantum Healing Practitioner, Alice Mixer, had a client recently who was a clear conduit channel. Masaru Emoto came through for her client Nicole Dykstra in a Quantum Healing session.  Nicole later sent this message channeled from him with instructions from him to share it freely. From Masaru Emoto (11-1-16 through Nicole Dykstra) There are… Read more »

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Dolores Cannon: Working harder than ever

Today is October 18, 2016. Dolores Cannon has been gone from the physical earth plane for exactly two years. So much has changed in those two years! The world has changed. Humanity certainly has changed. Dolores Cannon’s students and practitioners and clients have changed and Dolores’ method of, and a client’s experience of, Quantum Healing… Read more »

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A Poem of Self Love by Nicole Espinosa

A Poem Of Self Love – by Nicole Espinosa. A secluded pond reveals an alchemist’s dream. An elixir of gold with the promise of beauty past time. If not for the lips, then the eyes will drink a stolen glance that would shudder the strongest of men. A rock is thrown to shatter the reflection… Read more »

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