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Ebola: Real or Fear Porn?

The following blog by Laura Bruno has some wonderful points about this subject. I have copied and pasted part of her article below and the link to the full blog. Most of that New Age mumbo jumbo is (intentional) rubbish, designed to distract and steer you away from real wisdom when you get too close… Read more »

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Blogging about ET encounters…am I crazy?

Sherry Wilde is one of Dolores Cannon’s authors. Her book, “The Forgotten Promise” is about her ET experiences. Many of my Quantum Healing clients come to me for this reason. It is far more common than you might imagine. Sherry details her experience clearly and matter-of-factly. This is REAL folks and as Sherry says, if… Read more »

Visiting the "Library" Between Lives: A Quantum Healing Session.

 (The following article was written by my friend and colleague, a Dedicated Practitioner of Dolores Cannon’s method who practices Quantum Healing in Seattle. His name is Bobby Arant. Thank you Bobby, and thank your client, for allowing us to share your wonderful story about “The Great Library.”) Back in July of 2013, I participated in Dolores Cannon’s online… Read more »

Quantum Healing Case Study: Anxiety and Diabetes

Not long ago a college-age young man came for a Quantum Healing session. He came quite a long ways and was accompanied by his mother. The main complaint was severe anxiety and type 1 diabetes. He was checking his blood sugar several times a day and using insulin. The very first thing I made sure… Read more »